School of Thinking

Not much is given away these days. But the School of Thinking offers us a training solution that helps us expand the way we think. I enjoyed it and think it's well worth sharing.

Excerpt from School of Thinking website.

Why be interested in increasing your own speed of thought?

If you don’t upgrade your brain software then you’ll be stuck with what you’ve got.

Although this sounds a bit like a TV advertorial (But wait there’s more!) I’ve listed some of the many real benefits that can come from increasing your own speed of thought:

• be more open-minded
• be better able to escape from your point-of-view
• be able to see more opportunities
• be faster at solving problems
• enjoy making decisions
• increase your survival skills
• be fitter in the marketplace
• be more effective at planning
• get much better results
• find it easier to be creative
• be faster to take advantage of changes in circumstances
• get things done quicker
• think more and worry less
• lower your stress levels
• increase your family’s peace and happiness
• see information in new and more useful ways
• generate better and better alternatives
• apply speed of thought to your personal and family life
• be better at sports and career problems and opportunities
• be a speed thinker!

How can I double my Speed of Thought?

A simple way is by daily training.

If you wish you can get this training pro bono from the School of Thinking.

The tricks our minds play on us...

 This video shows a seminal experiment that Daniel Simons and his co-author and fellow psychologist Christopher Chabris conducted more than a decade ago. It opened up to the two American professors the phenomenon of "inattentional blindness", alerting them to the many tricks that our brains routinely play on all of us. Have a go. I remember doing this many years ago now and I was in disbelief. Goes to show... we don't know the HALF OF IT.

\For more insight to this incredible stuff go to

What really matters is how smart the collective brain is.

Imagine what you'd need to do if you had to create your own reading light to read a book tonight?

Fascinating (as Ted always is) here is a talk about innovation through collaborative thinking... ideas that are born of many other ideas. Or as British author Matt Ridley puts it, what's happening is that "ideas are having sex with each other."

An intersting take on how society is as it is...

Trade is older than farming. Exchange caused specialisation. Does lack of exchange reverse innovation?

So we, society, are neurons in a bigger collective brain. Another exmaple of the spiritual wisdom that tells us we are part of the whole. A part of the matrix of totality.